23 March 2012

From one home to another...

This morning I was carrying my breakfast tray from the kitchen up to my room, and I almost went flying on some letters that had been posted through the door.  Most of them were for people who don't even live here any more (we get that a lot in a student house), but amongst them I found a little one addressed to me in pretty handwriting.  I was so excited!  I patiently ate my cereal and poured my coffee before opening it up and enjoying it's contents.  It was from Jenna, my penpal in Cornwall.  I wasn't expecting anything (it was actually my turn to write), but she saw this beautifully crafted card with hand knitted fish on the front, thought of me, and sent it on with an update on her life.

I love receiving letters in the post, it gives you a real buzz, a sense of warmth and love that you don't really get through double clicking on an email in your inbox.  A letter through the letter box makes me feel at home.  It is another thing that makes a house a home.  I can't help but feel that people need to rediscover the art of letter writing.

1 comment:

  1. So true, I love receiving letters. They're so much more personal :) I have had many a rant to James on this exact subject (poor him..)


About Me

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I was born and grew up in the city of Wolverhampton where I went to school and studied A-Levels. I lived in Walsall for the two years of my life before coming to university in Nottingham where I now live. I graduated in Summer 2012 with a degree in Theology, and currently study an MA in Systematic & Philosophical Theology. I enjoy contemporary dance, travelling, literature, live music, being a connoisseur of hot beverages and liberating the oppressed. I have written for 'The Mic' magazine and held the position of Editor for the Women's Network magazine, 'Artemis'. I wouldn't be anything without my God, the beautiful author of life. Any feedback on my blogs is much appreciated.